Saturday, August 13, 2011

The Training Is Almost Over

It took everything I had to convince myself to go on today's training walk. Who wants to walk 10 miles on their birthday? But with the event only 5 days away, I decided I should and I am glad I did. Today's walk was very encouraging.

Encouragement #1: At one of the 3-Day meetings I went to, they told us to make sure to carry some cash on you in case you want to stop for a treat like at a Caribou (a huge supporter of Susan G Komen by the way). I have not drank anything on my training walks except water and sports drinks, even though, almost all of the routes I take pass at least one Caribou. But today is my birthday and you get a free drink on your birthday (or if you are determined several). I thought that I might as well indulge a little. I am happy to report, that I was able to drink my iced white chocolate mocha with no problems. So yay, I can stop and have a pick-me-up during the walk without having to worry about getting sick!

Encouragement #2: This was my fastest 10 miles. This may have to do with the extra burst of caffeine or the fact that I left early and it was quite cool out. I averaged 3.33 mph. I am usually closer to 3.

Encouragement #3: If it hadn't been for my busy birthday schedule I probably would have done a couple of extra miles. I got home and felt great - like I could do another 10 miles. Which is a good thing since next weekend I will be doing just that.

Encouragement #4: NO BLISTERS!! I think the blister within a blister within a blister (kind of sounds like Inception) from last week finally turned to a callous. At least that is what I am hoping. I only get blisters on my "ring toe". Not sure why and nothing I have tried has helped. Maybe my body finally came up with it's own solution.

I really wish I would have kept track of my mileage. I am not sure how many miles I have put on my feet during the training process, but I know it has been a lot. Just a 8 miler tomorrow and a 4 miler on Tuesday left before 60 miles in 72 hours.


  1. Woot! Woot! Way to go! I can't wait to drop you off at that start line and hopefully be there for the finish! And - with all of that encouragement, maybe I will actually step out to the gym right now... given that I have been wearing my gym clothes while lying on the couch for the past hour.... :)
